What is CCHF?

Christian Community Health Fellowship

Christian Community Health Fellowship is a community of Christian healthcare professionals who are committed to living out the gospel through healthcare among the poor. What we have in common is that we consider our careers and training in healthcare as a missional calling to serve Christ.

“Mission” is not something we hope to do one day, or plan to do next summer. Mission is an integral part of our lives. We serve Christ missionally today, and we serve Him missionally where we live now. We understand that if we are really serving Christ in healthcare, a significant part of our work will focus on serving people who are marginalized, undervalued, and vulnerable – those who are medically under-served.

About half of the people who make up the CCHF community work in secular settings – community health clinics, universities, residency programs, etc. They are there because of a conviction that this is where they are meant to serve Christ’s mission to bring healing and comfort to the poor, and to represent His kingdom in word and deed.

The rest of us in the CCHF community work in faith-based clinics that strive to provide distinctively Christian care. Each clinic has a unique idea about what it means to deliver “distinctively Christian care”. But all of us strive to be authentic to our calling in Christ. We are growing together in our understanding of what “Christ-driven” healthcare really means.