Plenary Speakers:

Rev. Dr. Christopher Baldwin is the executive director of ReAwaken ministries which serves believers and churches in the areas of prayer, church planting, and church revitalization. He is the former lead pastor of The Vine in Lancaster, NY and pastor of Spiritual Formation at Eastern Hills Wesleyan. He is a Beeson Pastor Scholar from Asbury Theological Seminary. Christopher is also a certified executive coach through the On Purpose Firm and ministry coach through New Church Specialties.

David Holmes, MD, is a family physician who enjoys working in medically underserved communities locally in Buffalo’s east side and globally in Haiti and other countries. He does his best to practice high quality, patient centered, whole person health care by addressing the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of patients. In addition to seeing patients, Dr. Holmes is a Clinical Associate Professor in the UB Dept. of Family Medicine where he directs the Global Health Education Program and teaches at the medical school. Dr. Holmes and the UB Dept. of Family Medicine received a Templeton Foundation grant which assisted in developing spirituality in healthcare curriculum for several required courses and one elective at the medical school. He is currently engaged in research looking at the role faith plays in addiction recovery. To review his faculty profile, click here.