Missions Zoom success
We had 35 colleagues, including students and folks logging in from Mexico, Cambodia, Illinois, and other far-flung places to our second COVID Missions Zoom “Breakfast” on Saturday morning, January 29 from 9-11 with very edifying live reports, complete with PowerPoints, from 3 presenters back home and live reports from Cambodia and Mexico, all of whom have family and/or training ties to the Greater Rochester area.
Our gathering opened with prayer and introductions, then started off with Ethan and Elizabeth Helm sharing live from Cambodia. Unfortunately our video of the meeting (click image below) wasn’t started until the following presentations by Patrick and Janelle Carbary reporting about Bolivia, Chase Miller sharing her work in Kenya, Jerry and Adelaide Svoboda also in Kenya, and David Ness live from Mexico.
In the midst of things we solved some technical problems with “screen sharing,” filled in with Q & A, and spent some time catching up with each other. Let’s continue to network and support one another until we can gather in person again. To experience the meeting and find out more, just click on the screenshot below to view our 90-minute recording of the meeting on YouTube.