Coming soon! Sign up now for our
Winter Missions Breakfast
Saturday, January 27 from 9-11 am
Rochester Academy of Medicine
We’re looking forward to some inspiring presentations (see list below or click here to open flyer) so mark your calendars, respond to Susan by email, calling 436-1628, or by using our RSVP page, and come out to hear how some of your colleagues are crossing cultures to share their faith and skills with people groups in need.
- Dr. Jim Wood (Internal Medicine) – Haiti
- Drs. David & Mary Kay Ness (Family Medicine) – Roca Blanca, Mexico
- Dr. Chase Miller (Otolaryngology) – Kijabe and Bomet, Kenya, West Africa
- Dr. Christine Borghi-Cavallaro (Family Medicine) – Managua, Nicaragua
The cost is only $10 for students and $15 for community caregivers, payable at the door (please note that MCCF ends up paying for “no-shows”).