CMDA Northeast Winter Conference
January 18, 2019 – January 20, 2019
North East Maryland
The CMDA Northeast Winter Conference brings Christians in healthcare from all levels of training and practice, specialty and disciplines—and their families— to the Chesapeake Bay with the express purpose of providing a restful environment in which to reconnect with God’s purpose for their lives.
A few days away from the busyness of practice or training may be just what you need to get a renewed sense of who you are in Jesus and why you are in Medicine or Dentistry! Come spend time with your family and colleagues in Christ from across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
Our Speaker
Sandy Cove Ministries is well equipped with a bookstore, prayer room, exercise room, indoor pool, delicious meals, and outdoor trails and fields. It is located 60 miles south of Philadelphia. Conference activities include meaningful plenary sessions, encouraging small group discussions, free time with organized and informal activities, a practicing healthcare professionals track, Healthcare Specialties Lunch, excellent food and facilities, and an amazing environment in which to reconnect with the Lord, childcare provided.
This is an amazing opportunity for Christian healthcare professionals at all levels of training and practice in the Northeast to take time away from the “hamster wheel” of modern healthcare practice and training for rest, encouragement and an opportunity to reflect on God’s call on their lives. Click here for further information about the program and registration.