2023 Global Health Trips
To all those interested in making a difference through global health,
You’re invited to join one of the 2023 trips listed below (and attached). The UB Global Medicine Program partners with trusted people and organizations to serve those in need all around the world.
For more information about the UB Global Medicine Program or to make a donation to support this program, please visit: www.medicine.buffalo.edu/globalhealth. Your donations will be used to purchase medications and medical supplies for the teams to use when caring for patients overseas.
For more info about the UB Global Health Interest Group, visit: https://ghigjsmbs.org/. If you have questions or are interested in serving on one of the global health trips, please let me know.
David Holmes, MD
Director of Global Medicine Program
Associate Program Director, Dept. of Family Medicine
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Office: 716-829-2416, Cell: 716-697-1884
Email: dholmes@buffalo.edu