Addiction Medicine
Fusion Event (virtual-only) Saturday, March 12th @ 7:00pm Topic – Addiction Medicine and the Opioid Crisis. Register at Join us for a discussion on Addiction Medicine, featuring our good friends and colleagues, Dr. Warren Yamashita and Pastor Frank Monteleone who are working together with others to form a new interest group within CMDA nationally that will focus on a spiritually sensitive and socially responsible response to the addiction epidemic. Warren is a Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine Physician who recently graduated from the Stanford Addiction Fellowship. He...
Read MoreMillers in Africa
Updates from Tenwyk I was finally able to post a blog tonight. It has been quite busy with some late nights! Here’s an intro: Wednesday, February 16 – Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery have been intersecting this trip! Aaron and I were able to work together this week on a combined urgent case. Young 18 year old with a brain abscess secondary to a chronic ear infection. We worked long and hard but praise God she is doing well. This is only by the grace of God as I usually do my ear surgery under a microscope. This week I have been using my operating loupes which are only 2.5...
Read MoreClara in Ethiopia!
Dear Family and Friends, All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. {John 6:37} Thank you all for praying for Ethiopia and me over the last couple months. What a journey that God is using to teach me both about Himself and who I am. He is a good Father. These indispensable lessons I hope to share with you in person one day. Because the security situation showed significant improvement, at the end of January, my school allowed me to return to Addis Ababa! I’m absolutely thrilled to be back, to resume the relationships and the work...
Read MoreRoca Blanca Update
Mission in Mexico During our second full week here, the work week dragged into Saturday to accommodate the Pastors’ conference ending at 3. By now, we have had a little experience in on the diagnosis of COVID. We were hampered somewhat by the lack of COVID tests in the clinic. We were having to send people to Rio Grande or Puerto Escondido at the cost of $300 pesos or 500 pesos. Laura, our nurse here, drove many people to Rio herself, sometimes more than once a day. We did eventually buy some tests to do in the clinic, but those were used within 2-3 days. We certainly knew that there were...
Read MoreMillers to Tenwek 2-22!
Growing and Learning Chase Miller writes, “We are preparing to leave for Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya. Jimmy, Aaron and I will be traveling to Kenya together. Jimmy will have a 10 day trip to focus on water filter distribution in schools and churches. I will have the joy of working alongside my son Aaron as he serves with the Neurosurgery team for the month. I anticipate a busy trip overall as COVID restrictions have prevented many short-term missionaries from traveling. God has been blessing the hearing aid ministry so I plan to fit 30 hearing aids. I will be training a general...
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