CMDA Winter Conference

Posted by on Dec 17, 2008 in Teaching | 0 comments

CMDA Winter Conference

Greetings from CMDA’s Northeast Office! I hope this note finds you well!

I am writing to remind you about the 2009 Winter Conference sponsored by CMDA’s Northeast Region and Medical Campus Outreach of Philadelphia. This annual conference brings together followers of Christ in healthcare from across the northeast to explore what it means for a person to re-integrate who they are as a person of faith and a healthcare professional. This is a great opportunity to hear good teaching from a respected colleague who will present stories from his own life and practice experiences, sharing how one can integrate being a Christ-follower and a physician or dentist. Each year we seek to encourage more attendings and community physicians and dentists to participate and connect with each other through graduate-focused small groups.

Our winter conference also provides you an opportunity to share your life with students and residents in a casual environment, encouraging them with your own stories of God’s work in your life as a physician or dentist. Add the beautiful environment of the Sandy Cove conference center, free time for family activities, and child care for young children during conference sessions and you have a great way to spend your MLK Jr weekend!

Here are some links to help you learn more and register:

CMDA/MCO Winter Conference 2009

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Scott Boyles

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