Dr. Mark Brown – Haiti

Posted by on Jan 24, 2010 in Members, Missions | 0 comments

Local doctor talks about time spent in Haiti after earthquake

WHEC-TV – A local doctor told News 10 how he was able to help the relief effort in Haiti. Doctor Mark Brown spent several days treating patients in Port-au-Prince, and he says Haiti now looks like a war zone.
Doctor Brown went to the Dominican Republic, for a ceremony at a health clinic that he opened years ago. But when he saw how great the need was in Haiti, he and several other doctors knew they had to help. So they hopped in a small pick up truck and drove five hours to Port au Prince, bringing medical supplies with them.

Doctor Brown says he couldn’t believe, the closer he got the number of buildings that were just flattened. People are still sleeping on the streets. And although the bodies had been removed, he said knew where people died because of the smell. He said it was awful.

He described the entire city as looking “occupied.” There was a UN worker, U.S. troops or Haitian Police on every block. He went treated 60 to 70 people on the first day. It was a lot for infections, and smaller wounds. He says it was emotionally draining.

“It was very devastating to see people who already have lost so much and are so greatly in need to lose even more to have their lives devastated.”

Doctor Brown said, during the day, if it weren’t for the damage, you wouldn’t know anything happened. People are going about their business the best they can. He said even after all they’ve been through, the Haitian people refuse to give up.

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