Focus On Missions
Please set aside the date and sign up now for our Winter Missions Breakfast coming up on Saturday, January 25th, from 9-11 am at the Rochester Academy of Medicine, 1441 East Avenue.
We’re looking forward to some inspiring presentations (see list below) so mark your calendars, respond using our RSVP page, and come out to hear how some of your colleagues are crossing cultures to share their faith and skills with people groups in need.
- Dr. Christine Borghi-Cavallaro (Family Medicine) – Honduras/Nicaragua
- Clara Pak (Medical Student) – Northern China
- Dr. Joseph and Rebeca DePra (Family Medicine) – Guatemala
- Patrick and Janelle Carbary (Emergency Medicine) – Lebanon
- Joseph and Rebecca Harvey (Family Medicine) – Congo, Africa
Click here for a flyer you can print and share!
Updating the 2020 Directory
We’ve posted a preliminary 2020 Directory of Christian Health Professionals in the Greater Rochester area, indexed by specialty. Please check your listing and follow the link on the Directory page to communicate any corrections you’d like us to make. Thanks!