Faith in the Halls of Academia
Our MCCF Fall Breakfast was held on October 19 at
Brighton Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Elise van der Jagt, MD, MPH shared with us about and the opportunities, blessings, and challenges that accompany his various roles at URMC as a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and specialist in Critical Care at Golisano Children’s Hospital.
Dr. van der Jagt brought a wonderfully well-prepared presentation (available here) outlining his background, experiences, and the opportunities we share as Christian providers to strengthen the bridge we have in faith between Town and Gown. He challenged us (gently, of course) to reexamine how we may avail ourselves of new opportunities for service to patients and mentoring medical students.
We had a very edifying time, and are looking forward to our annual Missions Breakfast on Saturday, January 25, 2020, so mark your calendar and watch your Inbox for more details in December.